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Devil Worshipers

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Fingerprint | 16:28 Wed 19th Sep 2007 | Religion & Spirituality
104 Answers
Hello everyone, has anyone had any experiences with Devil Worshipers or with the Church of Satan? What were they like?


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Crikey !
This the first time I've ever had anybody pointing at me sneering, 'you bloody straight, b@stard, you !'

I haven't gone back to our previous thread, yet, but I presume you have answered my questions...................?
Come on, Mani !

Keep's the next question down.

I'm sure there are quite a few people who are by now intrigued as to why you want to know which hand I write with.........

Or doesn't my answer fit your narrow opinion ?
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Burst your balloon, did I mani ?
Did something unspeakable to your chips ?
Made your fireworks soggy ?

You have no answer because you are manifestly wrong. Wrong ! Wrong ! Wrong !

I suggest you take your football and go home !

The next time you try to insult me I suggest you get someone to sit with you to hone your arguments first.
Racist rantings ?!? Are you mad ?

I was questioning what I perceived to be an unkind comment by Neilzulu. I inferred that he was suggesting that African/black men were in some way 'more suited' to running long distances because of their, sometimes, remote domestic circumstances and expressed my disbelief at that assertion.

Do you see racist slurs in every contrary comment, Mani ?

A persecution complex can be a difficult thing to live with...........should I have more compassion for you ?
I had a friend once who decided he was going to be a devil worshipper.

He listened to some angry music for a while, started wearing a lot of black eyeliner and nailvarnish, started wearing a lot of black in general and tried casting spells using incense, a candle, a funny drawing of a star and some stones.

These days he's an accountant. So hey, maybe it did work!
quality, lol.
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On wikipedia they have the eleven laws of satanism, a bit like the 10 commandments.

Number eleven is; When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him.
Christ... I live by number 11!
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Can you not see the difference between 'challenging' and 'nasty' ?
I challenge your narrow view of our world and the people fit to inhabit it.

You attacked me personally and then didn't have the common decency to answer my responses.........

You have capitulated now because you have admitted, to yourself, that you were wrong to behave as you did.

Please compare the tone of your last posting to me with those that went before...............that is the only one with any sort of concilliatory tone........
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Question Author
This question has gone from being about Devil worshipers to being about Mani and Jack's relationship blues.

Why don't you just give each other a big kiss and cuddle?
Either that or stick on a bikini, some devil horns (in keeping with thread), get yourselves in to a vat of green jelly and give us a show worth watching!

Sorry, Fingerprint.

I've been trying to contribute to various threads on AB but some other posters have immediately jumped on the fact that I have stated, in the past, that I am gay as if it has some bearing on my current contribution.

I doubt if Mani and I will ever reach a rapprochement.........
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You don't believe me and yet wish to extend the hand of a liar ?!?

How on earth can I ? Think about it !

I would rather rely on the fact that we can never be reconciled and retain my integrity than sigh and accept your proffered hand for the sake of a quiet life.

I abhore you pronouncements and pontificating regarding the sin of homosexuality and will never rest in my defence of my nature.............

Your reliance on dubious biblical reference for your bigotry is utterly infuriating; and I appreciate that 'head', 'banging' and 'walls' may come into it but I shall continue to challenge any assertions you make regarding homosexuality including the fact that I can be 'cured'.

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Devil Worshipers

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