There is only one true religion, that which we find inside ourselves, the spiritual. How you choose to express that faith or worship is entirely your choice. The origins of most mainstream religions all have the same message particularly the Abrahamic ones and Buddhism which all have a common route and intention at the original heart. It is just that history has shown us men have hi-jacked and manipulated the interpretations to achieve their own goals and means, whether following the path of Christianity, Islam, Judaism or Buddhism.
If we were to ban all religions or create a �new one faith� then there would be world chaos and spiritual crisis. Man has demonstrated time and time again that he is a savage beast at heart and a leader need only find any common denominator or social fear to promote war and attrocities. Factions would form and divisions would evolve, the spiritual ideology would become a political tool and we would still end up with varying beliefs, practices, intolerance, ignorance and probably bloodshed if we are to believe that religion causes all wars.