Please note: Despite Stewart Lee being my favourite stand up, I thought JStO was terrible.
Of the 63,000 complaints, 50,000 were recieved PRIOR to broadcast. Strangely, the stage show which had been incredibly high profile and running in the heart of the west end for ages, winning awards and plaudits left, right and centre received virtually no complaints. After broadcast, according the DG Mark Thompson, there was a much more balanced number of complaints and compliments. Perhaps this was because having watched it, it became apparent that it wasn't anymore blasphemous than The Life of Brian.
The repellant Stephen Green's Christian Voice orchestrated the campaign of complaint against the BBC because it was going to make more of a splash in the media than protesting the stage show, which rather makes you doubt their motivation.
I wonder how many of those demanding the Director General of the BBC be prosecuted for broadcasting JStO were in favour of Gillian Gibbons' punishment?