Question Author
Thank you Aprilis. It has been a lovely day. Whickerman, it�s very kind of you to write. I respect that you have different views than I on some matters and collectively, we have demonstrated that we can share thoughts and ideas constructively and respectfully. Topogigo: That�s very kind of you. It did make me smile as the VL was heading off to church just after her post!
Legend758: Whilst I�ve never met OldGrape, she has spoken with me several times recently, particularly to describe her progress and the hamper and gifts she received. She seems to be doing well and I�m pleased to hear this. I�m grateful to those who provided such kind and prompt assistance.
Figure: I apologise unreservedly. It was never my intent to cause any disappointment. I assure you that I did not simply walk away from AB, choosing not to write. During the time I�ve not written, both my son and daughter have provided the greatest support, taking on tasks for me that I would not normally have asked them to do. One of my priorities was to ensure OldGrape�s needs had been met. I�m pleased that she�s making such excellent progress. You may recall both of them, at one point, became interested in AB. Sadly, they were both put off by some of the things they saw posted and quickly lost interest.
Theonlyone: Could you please detail who �they� are? And had you read the site blogs, you would find the international charity number, along with virtually all of the contact details. In any event, I am grateful for the items provided that were used in today�s meal deliveries. In any event, a joyous Christmas! Fr. b