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Le Chat | 17:56 Sun 06th Jan 2008 | Religion & Spirituality
67 Answers
In a previous question posed by Stevie1time, which referred to selling one's soul to the got me wondering. In his answer to the post, Teddio tells us that Lucifer was only second in line to God, higher than angels etc etc.
In a previous question posed by Stevie1time, which referred to selling one's soul to the got me wondering. In his answer to the post, Teddio tells us that Lucifer was only second in line to God, higher than angels etc etc.
If this was so, then why did he go 'bad' ? If it is so fantastic, wonderful and beautiful in heaven, why would Lucifer want to throw a spanner in the works?
Christians spend all their earthly life trying to ensure their place in heaven for all the reasons above, so what was it about heaven that wasn't 'ultimate' enough for Lucifer?



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Newsdesk - pardon me for butting in, but Naomi has often stated her belief in a god, but not the God of the bible. Her god is a force of some description, but I have been able to understand what / who etc. But she certainly believes in something, so is not strictly an atheist. And she drinks wine, so she's not all bad.
sorry .... "NEVER able to understand ......"
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Theland, dear Theland, the reason you can't understand it is because you're superstitious, you're indoctrinated, and you're afraid to broaden your mind to see the bigger picture. Take for example Newsdesk's contention that "deep down he could never harm any of us" - "he" being the biblical God. Now we all know that isn't true - his track record proves it - that's if you believe what the bible says, which, oddly enough neither you nor Newsdesk appear to, since you both tell us what a wonderful and loving God he is. It's all so dishonest, isn't it? The bible tells us exactly what sort of creature he was, but it seems you don't believe it.

Newsdesk, where do you get your information? How do you know his power teaches him humility?

No, I'm not an atheist, as Theland said, but my God isn't your God - it's something much bigger than that. My intention in discussing the subject on AB is not to dissuade anyone from their beliefs, but I do find religion fascinating. Having been a Christian at one time, and come through it with my brain, thankfully, relatively intact, I like to investigate, along with other religious myths, that of Christianity. It's as simple as that.

A disciple of the Devil? Me? No - I don't believe in him either.

By the way, I'm a decent non-Christian person - even if a little strange at times!

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Newsdesk No, I am not talking about the creator - at least I'm not talking about what you would describe as the creator - and when I say my God is bigger, I'm not talking playgrounds either, even though you might be. Like Theland, you're so blinkered by manufactured religion, and by what other men have told you, that you are unable to comprehend anything more - and, sadly, you are unwilling to consider anything more. I call the biblical God a creature, because that's exactly what I believe he is. He's endowed with the very worst faults of mankind. He's demanding, threatening, murderous, power-crazed, self-obsessed, spiteful, and tyrannical, and he readily admits he's jealous. My God is none of those things. It encompasses the universe, nature, spirituality, gentleness and love. It doesn't demand adoration, it doesn't promise heaven as a reward for worship, it takes no interest in the pettiness of mankind, but it provides peace, love and solace when needed. In short, it's bigger.

Your thoughts are your God's thoughts? Read Leviticus and then tell me your God is a loving God, and that your thoughts are his. Going on his record, I do hope not - for your sake.
Newsdesk and Naomi - What a wonderful discussion. R & S has been in need of this for a while. As my old pal Wizard would say, it's been too dry. Well, he would put it another way, but decency must prevail.
Naomi - My hope is in God, in Jesus Christ, and I cannot bear for that hope to be taken away from me.
I don't think I am superstitious at all, don't worry about walking on cracks in the pavement, and two of our four cats are black!
When people are depleted of just about everything, their one remaining treasure, is hope. Without that they are truly destitute.
There are two things I would like to say on this.
First, without Christ, I too am hopeless, I have no other strength.
Secondly, with Christ in my life, I can face the day, get through what has to be done, and tired, wounded, can live to fight another day.
If that sounds a bit desperate, then it is because at times my life is really desperate. But I get through it. Where does that strength come from? Cettainly, not from me. I have no reserves. I am weak, and the bible tells me that when my strength is exhausted, that is when god steps in and does the rest.
Now, maybe I have made a dogs dinner of explaining myself, but that is how I experience Gods' divine grace in my life.
Theland - a hypothetical question for you. What would you do if you were given irrefutable proof that Jesus was just another man with no divine or supernatural dimension?
(continued) - Newsdesk - If you have been around for a while, then you will have read Naomis posts regularly, and will know that she is a seeker of truth, and is not afraid to tell it like it is, at least, as it is to her anyhow. But, her integrity is of the highest order, and her manners superb. She is a true cyber friend.
But, (Naomi says there always a 'but'), I pray for her, (and others), but my prayers are worth nothing, if God Himself does not intervene. I believe with all my heart that one day, maybe when I am no longer around to witness it, Naomi will be called by the Lord to come closer, and she will be unable to resist. Scales will drop from her eyes, and she will recieve the eternal blessings of salvation from our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ Himself. What a wonderful day that will be.
I would like to witness it myself, but knowing my luck, I will have been thrice bitten by a few of Waldos' snakes, and will already be seated in glory with the Lord.
Oh you are such nice people on here.
Teddio - Thank you for taking the time and trouble to read thus far and comment.
If I had irrefutable proof, as you say, that jesus was just a man, then my hope would be based on nothing. The consequences of that would be devastating for me.
But, if Jesus was simply just another man, then how come we can still know him today?
Yes, we read the bible, but that in itself does not bring us to the knowledge of Christ. By knowing about Him, and then praying to Him, the n by His grace He will reveal Himself in our lives. Only when in true humility do we approach Him, will He fellowship with us.
To go to Him as a mere tourist, curious about the afterlife, is a waste of time.
Waldo wants me to pick up snakes, but I have stepped out in faith in other ways. I have prayed and prayed, and the outcomes have often, at first, seemed disappoining, leaving me thinking that God was saying, "No," but given time, I have realised, that I have been tested, and come through, my needs met, and those physical and earthly needs that have not been met, well, I have been given the grace to endure, sometimes, that grace manifesting itself simply by kind words from fellow ABers. God works in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform.
I think the last snake bite is affecting my spelling, grammar and puctuation gland!
I shall try to suck out the poison before my next post.
Theland- thank you for a brave response to an often imponderable question. Your faith is obviously very strong.
Teddio - Thank you for your kind comment. All things are a gift from God, and that includes the gift of faith.
I actually think that my faith is rather weak, and I often pray to God, to help me out, strengthen my faith, and help me to pay my bills! It is difficult trying to live in the rock solid world of work, pay, bills, crime, social and family problems, and keep my focus on Jesus Christ, who promises to bring us through all trials and tribulations, but I am just a weak man, and I fail miserably most days, and then crawl back to the Lord for forgiveness and to ask for the strength to try another day.
Hey! Guess what? Am I happy? No, certainly not all of the time, or even most of the time, so if someone is thinking of becoming a Christian for joy and happiness here and now, well, forget it. We carry our crosses daily, and I usually drop mine quite a bit, I must confess.
Theland thank you for your kind words. What a lovely thing to say. I really appreciate that.

Back to the fight. Pud 'em up!! Actually, Theland, you've totally skirted over my original point in this section of the thread which was the dishonesty of Christianity. Newsdesk said that your God could never hurt anyone, and I pointed out that, if you believe the bible, that simply isn't true. What do you have to say about that?

It's kind of you to think of me, Theland, but I will never be called to your God, because he isn't there.

I do think your faith is strong (although I honestly don't understand why anyone should think as you do given the circumstances), and there are times, like tonight when you said you can't bear the hope to be taken away from you, that I feel incredibly guilty for arguing with you and for pointing out the error of your ways. Then logic, as usual, comes merrily tripping along to tell me if you didn't want to argue, you wouldn't be here, so you can't mind it so very much - and you must actually enjoy it to a degree. If that's the case, then long may it continue. Cheers! :o)
I could be Opus Dei, getting a kick out of the pain!
Ouch! Ooooh lovely! Ouch!
I have to say that in my opinion, based on what I have read, God will deal out His perfect justice to those who willingly reject the wonderful offer of His free gift of forgiveness. He loves us, and wants all to come to Him, in the knowledge that this life is not all there is, but a wonderful future awaits all who want it.
I'm not thinking too clearly at the moment, as I'm simply overjoyed at the return of the prodigal son, Wizard. What a relief! It's great isn't it?
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Newsdesk What lies? How would my God have ensnared me with lies? Where's the book I learnt from, that he's (or it's) inspired, and that's caused conflict between men for centuries? Where are the priests I listen to? What makes you think I 'sin' as much as I like - and why do you think my views are 'irreligious'?

Are you really arrogant enough to claim that your spirituality and your sense of right and wrong go deeper than mine, or deeper than anyone elses who doesn't believe in your God? Newsdesk, even though I fear you're brainwashed, and therefore a completely lost cause, I would like you to explain yourself please.

SupaStar Now we're getting somewhere! Very good. :o)

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