I am not sure what a twunt is so I am not sure if I agree, but presumably someone daft.
What amused me in someways is how vociferous some Christians have been in denouncing the idea of religious law being a way of enforcing certain codes of behaviour. I would have thought they would have seen it as a step in the right direction. As someone who doesn't believe in Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, Mohammad or Jesus, I struggle with the concept of any divine law, Sharia or otherwise.
What also makes me smile is the hysterical reaction his comments have aroused. In Britain, Christianity, the Church has a declining authority and power. Legislation in this country has historically been written by the wealthy for the wealthy - hence crime against property often having a more severe punishment than crime against a person. Those people who hold the largest percentage of wealth, are in the main self serving, they certainly are not going to hand over their advantages position are they. Its poor old Rowan trying to promote the importance of religion which will only appeal to the converted minority.