"Can I tell my child there's no God?"
Yes, but you would be better off telling the child, as the child ages, that there are many people who believe in God(s) just as there are many who don't believe in a God. The child will be exposed to various beliefs from peers, so it behooves you to have answers ready, both pro and con, so the child will realize that it's all about individual choice.
"Do you believe in God?"
i am a Deist! (One who believes in the existence of a God, but denies revealed religion; a freethinker.)
de�ism (de'iz'?m, da'-)
The belief, based solely on reason, in a God who created the universe and then abandoned it, assuming no control over life, exerting no influence on natural phenomena, and giving no supernatural revelation.
"Do you believe in the Bible?"
In contrast to believing in the Bible, i believe:
1. That God is that Creative/Causative Force that exists before the beginning of the universe/time and continues to exist outside of the universe and time.
2. That "Force" created/caused the spiritual/soul entities to come into being.
3. The spiritual/soul entities continued the "Creation" with the "Big Bang". And, through evolution and possibly subtle manipulations, have caused the current state of affairs.
4. The spirits/souls choose to inhabit the various physical bodies that they have created in order to experience physical reality.
5. When bodies die the spirit/soul continues to exist and often times reincarnates into another body in order to continue its growth.
6. The purpose of it all is for the spirits/souls (entities) to gain knowledge and experience and to ultimately rejoin or evolve back into the Oneness of God.