I cannot, however, bring myself to twist the knife by saying with complete honesty and sincerity, �To the extent that you make it possible for me to do so, I do love you.� As for you, China, I have reason to believe you are intelligent enough to have a fairly good idea of how much that statement applies to you as well, that it goes without saying, although in your case you may well deserve much more than I could possibly give you. On that one
point, if none other, I anticipate complete (if not unanimous) agreement.
Theland, Do not think for a moment that I believe I am any better than you. Although I might, I believe even more so that the complexities of life make such comparisons, on the whole, if not impossible to validate than nonetheless irrelevant. Nevertheless, I live by the motto, judge and prepare to be judged and to hold and be held accountable. Your candor is most admirable
if not over the top!