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"Excuse me . . . excuse me!" (everyone turns to see mibn2cw-etc. peeling foil from bottle top) "Congratulations are in order . . . for this must be the first time . . . (twisting blessed cork screw into yet another bottle of Blue Nun) �that this assemblage of posters has managed to rack over 60 consecutive posts . . . in a single thread without . . . (pops cork out and sniffs gingerly) straying off topic�.
�Erm, Why are you all looking at me that way?�
Mibs, runs out of the wine cellar, up the stairs and out the door as if pursued by the devil himself yelling, �Chakka! Hey Chakka, wait up, wait for me!�, zooms through the Science topic at light speed, soon passes by Chakka who is discussing a sci-fi thriller in the Arts & Literature section, and heads straight for the cyber-border of AB land . . .
Looking back to confirm that he is forever safely beyond the reach of his pursuers he stops dead in his tracks seeing China Doll standing there in her baggy stripey bottoms, triumphantly waving her multi-tool in one hand, her chastity belt in the other and thinks to himself ~ �Hell, there is no way I can leave here for an eternity constantly reminiscing about all the great times I�ve shared with those wonderful people.�
Mib~whatever drawn by an addiction stronger than any drug or religious persuasion repentfully slithers back to the R&S section to face his accusers and reap their condemnation for his despicable and irresponsible behavior . . . while simultaneously speculating about and scheming on what is certain to end in one more revelation of his total depravity.