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mibn2cweus | 01:15 Tue 01st Apr 2008 | Religion & Spirituality
2435 Answers
Since Naomi will not give me the ****ing key I have decided to follow Jesus and be a Christian just like Theland. I am ashamed of my past history here so I'm going to devote the time I used to spend on ab to reading the Bible. No question really because I no longer care about what people think. I'll get all my answers from God from now on thank you.


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Mibs - For all I know, you could be putting your life on the line in your career in the military, emergency services, police, or whatever, and if you are I salute you.
I haven't exactly put my life on the line, but spent many years in hard physical and mentally stressful jobs, working long and unsociable hours. I have struggled all of my life, and that continues now.
When the bean counters came along with a breathtaking discovery, that in a 12 hour shift I was only working 9 or 10 hours, they rationally, and logically, tailored the job to ensure that regardless of the physical and mental strain, on me and my colleagues, they would, for the sake of costs, impose a regime that was literally killing me.
But on paper it made sense.
But I am a human being with feelings, and irrational ones at that maybe, but my faith gets me through the night and I believe in God.
Forget the Phoenix, the rubble is more comfortable for lesser mortals like me.
I hope you arrive soon at Answerbank Abbey.
China, I've said it before - but never mind. You can be such a wise little bird at times, and I couldn't agree more.

Oh no! I do believe this thread is taking a serious turn.
To hell with that! Pass the bottle and lets take all our clothes off! Except my socks of course!
Theland, after that suggestion, do you wonder why this thread went quiet last night? I can't even find China. I think she's scarpered! Probably hiding in the wardrobe.
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China, If �ignorance is bliss� then you must be in (or on) ecstasy. To my knowledge that is not the case. The only thing one can justly hope to acquire with the belief that ignorance is bliss is an ignorance of bliss, its actual nature and qualities, as well as the ability to distinguish, achieve and experience some measure of the difference between it and misery.

Since yours was a declaration of rather than a question about your beliefs your chosen definition of �bliss� will most likely continue to remain �unscathed� by any efforts to enlighten you. However I have one question to ask you, �Who is the MF that clipped your wings?�
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Theland, Your inability to distinguish between my reasoning and the so called �logic� of Mib1, Spock, or the bean counter can only mean I have again failed to span a chasm of understanding across which you imply you�ve burned any existing bridges long ago. I�m growing weary of what is proving to be a waste of my time and as nearly as I can gather by your equivocations an intrusion on yours.

Naomi, No comment accept to say that Chakka has done a much more �graceful� job of this.

None of you seem to care to have any awareness of what is as stake. I�ll pass on the retreat invite with thanks. I�m going to search for a clear stream to bathe in.
Mibs - Seriously now. What exactly is at stake? I really am interested you know.
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Theland, This is a question each of us must learn to answer for ourselves if we are to insure that the meaning is made real to us and thus have the will to aspire to it. But here are some hints:

What is at stake is the survival and well-being of potentially the universe's most eloquent expression, a being with its own potential to understand, appreciate and realise and thereby give meaning and purpose to both, a being which is neither master of nor slave to but an equal partner sharing in this mutually beneficial relationship, a rational being able willing and justly rewarded through the joy of knowing what it is, how far it has come and where it is going and that it exists, A being that will not be devoured by the status quo but seeks to realise what could be and should be.

I'll leave you to it for now since I am gravely overextended right now. Please let me know what you come up with? I am genuinely interested!
Mibs, do you know, I would agree with virtually everything in your last post. The difference between us being more one of emphasis rather than substance, and of course we both have a faith, a different faith, but a faith nevertheless.
In the late 1940's, one of Americas top generals said something along the lines, of mankind needing more of God, to balance the advances in science. Can't remember his name or exact quote, but that was the crux of of it.
He was right. Mankind has used his awesome talents to advance science and technology to a stage where virtually nothing is impossible to us in our quest for knowledge in the subjucation of nature and our fellow man.
Yet, we lack the maturity to be responsible stewards of this knowledge. It is akin to handing a child a loaded gun, and just hoping that nobody gets hurt.
Our potential for further advances in knowledge is only matched by our potential to destroy our world and everybody in it.
And so to the question of faith.
Your faith in mankind to actually realise what should be, and what could be, is, in my opinion, over optimistic to say the least.
Whilst there are a minority of people like yourself who see an achievable potential for the realisation of the dignity of Man, expressed in a variety of ways, including the pursuit of knowledge of what we are, what we are capable of, and what our destiny should be, the vast majority of people are more concerned with with more practical problems, of how to feed themselves, keep warm, have a roof over their head, and get access to the services that reduce their suffering, and yes, such suffering is one of scale, and relative to the individual community or society concerned.
Here we have a struggle. Man against nature and man against man, nation against nation.
Down there in the rubble, that is where the real translation of a faith will materialise, whether a faith in God, a faith in Mans' potential to work out his own salvation, or faith in politics, trade unions, emancipation, or an AK47.
So what is at stake? Yes, we are in agreement there, the very survival of man in this awesome universe. But isn't it strange that like the child with the gun, we have the abilities to produce bigger and better guns, but lack the sense to first of all stop pointing them at each other, and then to destroy them all completely?

And so to the question of faith.
Your faith in mankind to actually realise what should be, and what could be, is, in my opinion, over optimistic to say the least.
Whilst there are a minority of people like yourself who see an achievable potential for the realisation of the dignity of Man, expressed in a variety of ways, including the pursuit of knowledge of what we are, what we are capable of, and what our destiny should be, the vast majority of people are more concerned with with more practical problems, of how to feed themselves, keep warm, have a roof over their head, and get access to the services that reduce their suffering, and yes, such suffering is one of scale, and relative to the individual community or society concerned.
Here we have a struggle. Man against nature and man against man, nation against nation.
Down there in the rubble, that is where the real translation of a faith will materialise, whether a faith in God, a faith in Mans' potential to work out his own salvation, or faith in politics, trade unions, emancipation, or an AK47.
So what is at stake? Yes, we are in agreement there, the very survival of man in this awesome universe. But isn't it strange that like the child with the gun, we have the abilities to produce bigger and better guns, but lack the sense to first of all stop pointing them at each other, and then to destroy them all completely?

You are such a bl00dy drama queen sometimes do you know that?! I know it's all about you but when it's all about me, you kind of gets cancelled out.

So I must be in a state of bliss eh? No, that's not the case, well done, your powers of deduction are eeriely accute. Perhaps that's because I'm not actually ignorant. Which rather gives weight to my argument than voides it.

Try and look at it this way. If the world is black and white to you, if there are no difficult decisions to make, if your horizons are limited, if your questions are all answered and you've not the inclination to ask any more then that could also be called peace of mind. And if I had that I think it would be pretty, damn blissful.

Not everyone thinks knowledge is bliss and that pondering all the questions of life and trying to get an answer is a great thing. In fact you can spend so much time doing it you forget life and for you to be so adamant about it must mean you're in a fairly blissful state too.

But thanks for the patronising pat on the head.
I know what is at stake, and I was simply interested if we shared the same concerns, which, apparently, we do.
How we see ourselves as a part of this universe is where we part company.
My faith in a creator God answers for me, the question of origin, meaning and destiny, and I can see mans' shortcomings in the light of this. Without God, we are set on a course that is no different to that we have been travelling for oh too long.
Without God, there is no first cause which is itself illogical,
and our existence becomes totally meaningless.
Mans' attempts to exalt himself to a god, central to all, has done no good at all, as we live forever on the brink of disaster.
I think sometimes you patronise me, and maybe I amuse you or frustrate you, but that's O.K. I accept that.
Maybe I'm playing for the local ale house team whereas you are premier league, but we both have goals to aim for, and I try my best to aim for mine.
Life can get a tad too serious at times don't you think?
I know what is at stake, and I was simply interested if we shared the same concerns, which, apparently, we do.
How we see ourselves as a part of this universe is where we part company.
My faith in a creator God answers for me, the question of origin, meaning and destiny, and I can see mans shortcomings in the light of this. Without God, we are set on a course that is no different to that we have been travelling for oh too long.
Theland did have two answers to your statement but they appear to have vanished. I think in his own way he agreed with you.

Just so you don't think you're being ignored.
Gremlins in my computer or something.
Drat! I'll have to start all over again.
The curse of Theland strikes again!
My posts disappeared, so I'll have to re-write them as Theland1
Give me more time.
Better still, I've had this problem before, and they usually reappear after about two days. Strange but true.
So, to save me writing it all out again, let's wait until Monday, Tuesday latest, and see if they reappear.
My, my, we are becoming serious! OK. Here's my five-pennyworth.

Ignorance can be bliss to those who choose to remain ignorant. Call it denial if you like. Some people simply deny reality and oppose logic at all costs, and when rational thought processes, that contradict their beliefs, surface, they slam the door and dig their heads even further into the sand, so remaining encased within their own perception of truth and within their own perception of bliss. However, to those who seek ultimate truth, whether or not it contradicts their previous ideas and ideals, ignorance and the denial of logical thought is the stuff of nightmares.
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Naomi, It does put one in a awkward position when they are aware that they are being attacked by attackers who do not seem to realise the broader implications of their attack, (like getting sprayed while changing a baby�s nappie).

China, please note that that statement was written in hypothetical form and obviously does not characterise you in the least, (well maybe a little). You just happened to use an expression that I find irresistible to carry forward to its logical conclusion. If you so desire please feel free to accept my apology for once again getting carried away while under duress.
I am under the impression you are quite capable of and enjoy playing with fire as much as I do; if not just ignore me . . . or better yet, watch and learn . . . and laugh like hell when I get burned. There�s fun enough here for everyone!
Signed, King O' Drama Queens aka Passion's Plaything

The question was on the order of, 'What is at stake?' to which my last previous answer was my response. And I missed Theland's response to that and am looking forward to its reappearance. (how do dat?)

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