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What's happened to R&S?

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naomi24 | 19:24 Sat 05th Apr 2008 | Religion & Spirituality
93 Answers
Is R&S becoming a glorified Chatterbank? I think it is, and it's a pity. As much as I like a joke - and as much as I join in with the jokes - I really would like to see it revert once more to mainly intelligent debate on serious and interesting topics - with the odd light-hearted thread thrown in - as it used to be.


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You looking at me Naomi?
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Honestly! What a double act you two are! Nothing could have been further from my mind.
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You'd better believe it. We've had no practice whatsoever lately, and with the Royal Albert Hall looming ......... we're in trouble! Double trouble!
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Red cards all round!
Yes, this thread is deteriorating as we drivel.
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It can be re-cycled!
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Well it appears my attempt to blow a cweus note into this thread is all for naught(y).

Luna, I like the new upgrade on your nick, less irritating and so more symbolic of your style.
I think we are hijacking Naomis' thread, and her wrath will descend on us like a horde of X-Factor contestants!
Be warned.
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And here was me thinking it was me who lowered the tone. You lot are shameless.
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Shameless? I kept my socks on!
The mental image that has brought to mind is vastly unappreciated Theland!

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What's happened to R&S?

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