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What's happened to R&S?

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naomi24 | 19:24 Sat 05th Apr 2008 | Religion & Spirituality
93 Answers
Is R&S becoming a glorified Chatterbank? I think it is, and it's a pity. As much as I like a joke - and as much as I join in with the jokes - I really would like to see it revert once more to mainly intelligent debate on serious and interesting topics - with the odd light-hearted thread thrown in - as it used to be.


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And here we are keeping Naomis' thread warm, whilst she is out on the razz!
Could've been worse, I've still got that thong!
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I couldn't do that Luna, these socks have been in my family for generations!
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No, but the girl it belonged to was given it by her great grandmother, a friend of many sailors, and apart from the cigarette burns, it looks quite good, although it could do with a new string.
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You know, you two keep that up and I'm not going to need a bl00dy chastity belt!
Up here we call them a 'singlet'.
I'll see if the colour matches.
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What other than put off the idea of seeing a naked man for the rest of my natural life? ;0)

I'm ok pumpkin, swings and roundabouts y'know? What about you? How are you diddling?
Erm ... excuse me!
I said, EXCUSE ME!
Have I just taken all of my clothes off for nothing, or are you just going to keep on talking amongst yourselves?
Of course not... I was looking for somewhere to hang my scarf and hat.
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Can I borrow this kilt? Whose is it?
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I've never been called that before! Cheeky!
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Just think of the view from the top Lunar :c)
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