Jesus was a Jew, and the Jewish culture to which he belonged was strictly and officially male chauvinistic. Women were officially second-class citizens whose views on any subject amounted to nothing very much. You could call Mary and Martha of Bethany static disciples of Jesus but the idea of inviting women to join his wandering band would never have occurred to him, and no father, husband or brother would have permitted his daughter, wife or sister to do so.
It would have been both pointless and dangerous. If she had dared to preach or teach she would, at best, have been jeered and spat at; at worst she would have been stoned.
As others have said, he chose no black men, so goodbye to the Archbishop of York and all African and West indian priests; no Europeans, so banish the English vicar and all RC priests in Ireland and elsewhere. And what about the German pope?
The logical conclusion is that the only people who are qualified to be Anglican priests are Jewish Galileean fishermen, with the odd tax-collector thrown in.
All very silly.