are jesus and god the same person? in The AnswerBank: Religion & Spirituality
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are jesus and god the same person?

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singingkaz | 12:16 Thu 21st Aug 2008 | Religion & Spirituality
32 Answers
Are jesus and god the same person?

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No/ God is supposed to be the father of Jesus.
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I thought it was, "He sent His only son to save us" and all that baloney?
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According to the bible GOD is the father the son and the holy ghost!
In other words Bible is like movies where one person is playing more than one different roles. Interesting, lake of material or actors may be !!!!!!
Sorry I meant Lack. See it did confuse me����.
I don't believe Jesus ever claimed to be God. That is a claim made by others long after his demise.
Yes, God is the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, and these form the Holy Trinity, which all Christians believe.

God came to earth in the form of Jesus.
No, they are just made up names

Anyone who believes otherwise is a fool
Why God had to come to the world and then in the form of a human?
Ethel, if God came to earth in the form of Jesus, then why did Jesus cry out to God from the cross and ask why God had forsaken him? Was he talking to himself?
Incidentally, an afterthought. Not all Christians believe in the Holy Trinity - Jehovah's Witnesses don't.
First of all there is not even a single unequivocal statement in the Bible where Jesus (pbuh) himself claimed to be God. Then is there any Bible in the world supervised at least if not written by Jesus himself?
Oh you did have to ask that one didn't you!

Christians have a big problem.

They're meant to be monothiests (only believing in one God) yet they want to believe in a supernatural messiah.

So they have to have this concept of a trinity where t supernatural entities are both part of the same thing and in some way different.

It all gets very mystical and they can't even agree amoungst themselves about it - the great split between Catholicism and Eastern Orthadox was largely about this.

No wonder Muslims point at Chistians and accuse them of polythesism and idol worship. Especially if you look at some Catholic churches with gilded statues of Saints and people praying to Mary.
Mainstream Christian churches believe so (e.g. Roman Catholic, Church of England, Church of Scotland), as do Baptists, Methodists and Evangelicals. The reason is because of the Nicene Creed they all hold. But there are churches who do not hold this view, such as the Unitarians and Quakers.
I'm with the Unitarians and Quakers on this one.
Catechism answer: there are three persons in one God, God the Father, God the Son (aka Jesus) and God the Holy Ghost.
naomi - JW aren't Christians as they reject Christian doctrines and creeds including the Trinity.

JW were founded in 1931 and is very much a cult.

A lot of the thinking here is confined to something akin to the old mono records, or a black and white and whte films, whereas the truth is mor like technicolour, suround sound, high deinition, stereo, holographic state of the art etc etc.
Who's trapped in a mind set?

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are jesus and god the same person?

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