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Hi Naomi, Bit of a hurry but just to let you know that scientists and other researchers (as well as hundreds of other interested people), started investigating the Scole physical phenomena in 1995. What they witnessed (not all at once, of course) were nearly 200 different types of phenomena, including apports, ringing of bells, myriad spirit lights that were intelligently manoeuvred, raps and taps of varying intensity, touches by solid energy (disembodied hands), the physical appearance of teleported spirit people, voices coming from all parts of the room (some of which gave evidential information to new sitters) levitation of a plethora of objects such as a heavy tables, changes in temperature. Of course I wasn`t frightened, only `spirits` with love want to communicate with this world. Ask your spiritualist friend if she was aware of the Noah`s Ark Society. It was a forerunner of the Scole `Hole`. And there were open-minded scientists who sat in the cellars many many times and had proof given beyond a shadow of a doubt that a spirit world does exist. Three of them in particular wrote a report after 3 years of sitting giving their stamp of approval to the Scole demonstrations. However, the SPR did their usual thing and squashed it . But it is out there if you want to look for it.
And you must be aware, Naomi, that giving `proof` to someone is practically an impossibility unless it actually happens to them. Who will believe without personal proof? Gotta go now, Tina