As for my apparent intolerance of those who observe the bible or the Koran, to those who immediately take personal offence at anything that contradicts or challenges their beliefs, I would say that no offence is intended. I like good manners, and would never offend anyone intentionally, but if people enter into discussions with those who disagree with their views, then they have to expect to encounter disagreement, and how they view that disagreement is their choice. In truth, I am not intolerant of their beliefs (and despite all the custard pies Theland and I have lobbed at each other on AB, he can most certainly vouch for that if he ever returns to this thread - and I've no doubt that you and many others would be very surprised indeed at what he has to say). Quite simply, I'm interested in the subject of religion generally, I like debate, I don't understand how believers can simply ignore the bits of their religious literature that doesn't suit their purpose, I don't understand why they don't look at those texts with honest eyes, but prefer instead to disregard this God's many faults, and I don't like to think of people living their lives in dread of suffering his eventual terrible wrath simply for the crime of being human - and so I suppose it comes across as intolerance. From my point of view, though, it is never personal - it is simply debate - which is something I have attempted to convey many times, usually without success. I truly believe 'each to his own' - and believe it or, not, although I only go to church for weddings, baptisms and funerals - and perhaps the occasional carol service - I am very prominent in my community and actually do a lot of voluntary work and fundraising for our little church. Odd, eh?