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Many languages have different grammatical rules. The French, for example, speak what to us would appear to be backwards. They say 'a house white', instead of 'a white house'. Anyway, good for you for giving it a go. Polish could be a very useful language to have in this day and age. Maybe you could do a course in teaching English as a foreign language. I have a friend who does that, and you don't need to speak the original language to do it. A new career perhaps?
I don't know what's up with R&S Luna. We seem to have been invaded by people not really interested in the subject, or bent on causing stupid arguments. People these days are so angry all the time. There's no fun here any more. It seems to have deteriorated with the arrival of one particular participant, and has gone downhill ever since. The key to the wine cellar has long disappeared, as are the days when we organised parties aboard the Ark, and AB spectaculars with full orchestra, and happily threw and munched custard pies. Ah, them woz the days!