Nakedness in public is not something that appeals to me - but then that is my personal opinion, which as a western women, I am at liberty to hold. However, that is irrelevant. That picture shows a family on a day out, but the woman alone is fully covered and looking absolutely ridiculous. Even her hands are hidden - and for God‘s(?) sake why? As a human being, I find it not only incredibly sad, but a damning indictment of Islam - and I find it absolutely appalling that you, apparently, see nothing wrong in it. She is a PERSON, Keyplus, so what makes her so very different from the rest of her family? No other culture on this earth feels the need to treat women so abominably - and that is a sad indictment on Muslim men.
You are digging the hole even deeper, by automatically assuming that any woman belongs to any man. I am an equal partner to my husband, and rightly so. A woman isn’t a possession or an object - she isn’t an ornament, or something to be used as and when men see fit - she’s a human being with feelings, and emotions, and thoughts, and she is a person in her own right. What gives you, or any other man, or, indeed a book, the right to decide to whom a woman displays her beauty? Her attributes are hers - not yours - so why shouldn’t that be her own choice? And I would like an answer to that.
I haven’t said anything out of context - but if you want the verses you know full well that I will provide them.