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A ttheory.......

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sherminator | 10:33 Tue 01st Dec 2009 | Religion & Spirituality
128 Answers
ok bare with me I don't even know if this makes sense....

Key plus always argues that islam is more 'correct' than Christianity-as in less flaws and loopholes...
And I also think Islam is younger than Christianity?

well does it follow then that the most complete religion should be scientology........does it follow that the younger the religion the more 'correct' they are?

Just the ramblings of a mad man bored whilst eating my Branflakes this morning!!!


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Saida, you obviously haven't read Waldo's post above.
Naomi, u are right in a way, muslim woman should be treated with respect, they are not being treated with respect, even now, muslim men get married from abroad to a muslim girl the parents are happy with, she can cook, clean, look after the in laws etc etc, but not have a life of her own, coz she is from another country and she cant speak the english language, and the bloke who married her is living with an english woman...both woman dont know about each other, this is happening alot....and before you ask it didnt happen to me, i just hear these things and pass them on, u must have heard in the news numerous times about woman being abused by their hubbys and mother in laws... it sucks, keyplus bet your like that, u must have a wife from back home who is under your thumb
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Can I ask a really stupid question please?

What is (pbuta)? What does it mean?
Good tune Ziggy but do you know the answer? xx
ok i'll work on the islam suff
but i'm sure it will draw a dead end
Key plus, I’ve read all of your posts on this thread. Have to admit I was a bit lost; you are blinded by your beliefs and as a result is refusing to be realistic. You’ve contradicted yourself umpteen times. It's time to be practical and step out of your ‘box’ and view humankind as they presently are.
The ancient Greeks know the Earth was round well over a thousand years before Mohammed (pbuh) was born.
Indeed Eratosthenes (pbuh) accurately calculated the diameter through scientific experiement in 240 BCE.

Just another already known the great plaigerist pretended he had been told by Allah.

The revival of the flat earth concepts were driven by religious forces in the Dark Ages.
pbuta: Peace be upon them all?
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are you a crustacean knono? :-)
Thanks Beso :-)
Waldo - I always wonder what happened to all the Greek philosophies before so called Renaissance? If you read history you never hear about any Greek theories during Dark Ages also mentioned by Beso. Or perhaps Beso can throw a bit more light on it. Why and most importantly where from all of a sudden during 16th and 17th century? what happened to all these philosophies and theories for so many centuries?

Eddie - There is no such reality in Satanic verses. However if you have spent time in Saudi Arabia then why did you not ask someone there?

But still this is what I can provide you, now how you take it, is up to you.

How about an answer to my question, Keyplus?
Petrach, who coined the term Dark Ages (it's not really an in vogue term these days, as scholars recognise it gives an impression of the period at odds with the actual advances made) in the 1330s was devoted to collecting and publicising Greek and Roman learning. So, it didn't just go away, but it wasn't as prominant as it had been.

Broadly, of course, the Dark Ages was a European-centric phenomenon, characterised by the fall of the Roman Empire and the emergence of the Catholic Church as a dominant force. It was also a time when far fewer texts were written, contributing to an impression of the time as being 'dark'.
////What gives you, or any other man, or, indeed a book, the right to decide to whom a woman displays her beauty? Her attributes are hers - not yours - so why shouldn’t that be her own choice? And I would like an answer to that.////

I am sure we have talked about this before. First of all before Quran tells women to cover themselves it says men to lower their gaze,

[Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity for them: and Allah is well acquainted with all that they do. And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty…] (Al-Mu'minun 24:30-31)


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