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claymore | 10:12 Wed 21st Apr 2010 | Religion & Spirituality
4 Answers
If you hold a red apple in front of you and you close your eyes , is the apple still red? or does color only exist when it is observed?


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If you ask someone who does physics - I think they reply that colour doesn't actualy exist.
The light reflecting off it is of a wavelength that appears red to us.

That light is still there when you pull the blinds down on your eyes.

If you view it with an infra red camera it will appear totally different.
Avoiding esoteric theories :-)

This is the same type of question as the one about a tree falling in a deserted wood.
The answer depends on definitions.

In this case, if you define colour as the wavelength of the light bouncing off the apple then it is still red. If you define colour as the sensation your brain interprets those same wavelengths, then there is no colour any more.

IMO whilst light shines on the apple, the red colour is still there.
Try peeping to have a look but dont let the apple see you looking!!

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