Anyone had any experience ?
Myself: I've had half of my family ripped apart by this domatic narrow-minded, letter-of-the-bible bunch.
When they come knocking at my door I always greet them with "Yayy! JOEBOES !" and if they invite me to be a witness I tell them "sorry, I didn't see the accident".
Nice to see you back in action, mate. Was getting worried for a bit. Noticed the other thread, where we are regaled with the full doorstep treatment, admittedly without having to get up and answer the door. This must be their new technique; forget doorstepping - hit 'em on Answerbank.
I myself quite often go to their meetings. Personally I've found them the nicest people I've met for some time.
As for ripping families apart, the family must in the first place be fractured.
It's always good to hear others options on christianity. I've found in most cases (as I study religion full time), that they hold the truth about Christ.
Jehovah's witnesses are let's say modern day disciples/apostles.
society. well, just you asking that question means you are curious. Next time they knock invite them in.
A good book I own 'reasoning of the scriptures' and 'all scriptures inspired' 2Tim 3:16 is a very good way of understanding the Bible, in Lay terms. It certainly opens ones eyes...
when i went to school one of my best friends was Jehovah. he still sneaks out the house to see me as apparantly im 'forbidden' as i dont follow their beliefs.
most of them are complete nutjobs but you get the few that are pretty normal people
Tweaker, I want to hear your version / understanding of what the truths about Christ are. You claimed they, Jehovah's Witnesses, hold the truths about Christ and that they are modern-day disciples.
My family was and is very close-knit and happy thankyou very much Tweaker.
It only went wrong when it was infested with Joeboeism.
Joeboes by default "excommunicate" anyone who once was a Joeboe then gives up the habit, *including close family members*.
That's what I meant by "ripped apart".
Happily, I am still in touch with the few that are still infected - we agree to disagree these days.
My sister inlaw was from a JW family she used to go round knocking on doors etc trying to recruit.. Then she met my brother and fell in love with him..she was told to finish with him because he was'nt a JW and when she refused she was disowned by her own family.. none of her family 3 brothers mother or father speak to her and although they were all invited to the wedding non of them came ..that was over 20 years ago, and she's had no contact ever since..I think that is disgraceful.. not only did the perents of my sister inlaw( who by the way is an absolute angel..) loose there daughter they hav'nt seen there 2 grandaughters or 1 grandson... sad sad sad people