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Is there a first cause? i.e. God?

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Theland1 | 03:07 Thu 02nd Dec 2010 | Religion & Spirituality
69 Answers
Atheists have had great success in rubbishing the concept of a First Cause, i.e. God, as the prime mover and shaker of all of Creation.
Science simply says, "We don't know, but one day we will."
Sorry folks, that is simply not good enough when eternity is at stake.
So the question is, should not atheists seriously consider the possibility of God and adjust accordingly?


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Which image? Hugh Jackman or Johnny Vegas?
Naomi ...

God probably would look like an amoeba.

Why would He bother looking like Johnny Depp when there is no one around to fancy him?
True, although he did have a wife once - but it appears she was abandoned for the cause. :o)
I don't have a problem with anyone believing whatever they want ... What riles me is statements like ... "should not atheists seriously consider the possibility of God and adjust accordingly?" ...

Why should they, their disbelief is as valid as your believing, surely?
Naomi, not all was made in his image, some in was in his likeness. ;-)
<<<We don't know, but one day we will."
Sorry folks, that is simply not good enough when eternity is at stake.<<<<

Well I am afraid that will have to be good enough unless of course you want to manufacture a Creator.................which you have already done.
Exactly right Naz, atheists are far more likely to have done a lot more thinking about this subject then theists, most of whom have probably just accepted whatever they were told when they were children without any analysis at all (couldn't resist a generalisation).
<<?How do you then explain a fossil that's 50 Gazillion years old?>>

That's an easy one for a fundamentalist - fakes put there by god to test the faith of believers
Naomi, Wife? Please enlighten me as despite going to a church school and having ex-inlaws who are all missionaries I've never heard of this before.
Oh, yes ... His wife.

I was forgetting about His "alter egos".

And yes, she was dumped rather ungraciously. Shame really. She sounded like a nice girl.
tigerlelly, you're not alone. Unlike some of us non-believers, most religious people are content to believe without question what they're taught so I imagine most people in the church (or the mosque or the synagogue) have never heard of her. Her name was Asherah. If you google, you'll find quite a bit of information about her.
Oh, sorry Naomi.

I thought you were talking about Mary M.


Well, I've learnt something here.
Ha ha! No, Jayne - not THAT God - the other one - you know - the Godfather! :o)
But aren't they the same person ?

Holy Trinity, and all that.

I have read The Shack, you know. (okay, it was a pile of poo, and I didn't finish it, but the thought was there).
An eternity at stake?

Current scientific thinking suggests that it might all disperse into something incredibly diffuse that it might as well be nothing. If this is the truth it doesn't actually matter. The rational get on with life and make the most of the remarkable opportunity in front of us.

Meanwhile the gullible squander the real deal in anticipation of a illusion of eternity based on a stone age contrivance that is not even self consistent.
Thanks v. much, Naomi. I'll do a bit of research whilst I'm snowbound.
Jayne, only if you're Christian.

Tigerlelly, happy reading.
-- answer removed --
... or fear.
No ... religion is born out of need.

God exists ... because Man created Him ... because we needed him.

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Is there a first cause? i.e. God?

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