Society, no, Mani doesn't post here any more. He asked for his account to be terminated.
Theland, your last post is a perfect example of your irrationality.
//..... God is eternal and is completely self contained.//
You declare that as a definite statement of fact, but since no one knows if a creator god exists your statement is completely illogical. The thing is, if a creator god does exist it is very clearly extremely unlikely that any human being - priest, teacher, minister, cleric, academic, scientist, theologian, king, sheik, imam, ayatollah, president - no one on this earth - is qualified to define - or even comment upon - his/its nature - but you, Theland, do - and you are not alone. Even though you and he do not agree, Keyplus does it too - constantly. You two, like the rest of the religious (of whatever persuasion) tell us with all conviction that you know his/it's nature and his/it's wishes. Anyone could easily be forgiven for thinking you have a special hotline to god - but we all know you don't - and in truth, you know you don't. You just kid yourself you do - at least you kid yourselves that your teachers, who for some unaccountable reason you presume to be 'wise' and to know more about this god than anyone else does, know all about it. Well they don't - and that really is a genuine, bona fide fact! The claims of religion simply cannot be rationally justified. Why can't you see that?
Answers on a postcard please.
Jom, I assure you there is plenty for a non-believer to get angry about.