nescio, //I find you supremely arrogant to dismiss a very cogent argument for the folly of religious belief by no less an intellectual than Bertrand Russell as "silly tit-for-tat".//
You do? Well, perhaps you hold people in awe rather more than I do. You see I disagree with Richard Dawkins sometimes - and I've had some pretty wobbly moments with Stephen Hawking too. Why not? Being in control of my own thoughts, my own mind and my own opinions, I am acutely aware that no one on this earth is God and no one is infallible. Oops. I reckon I've really blotted my copybook now. :o(
.... But let's cut to the chase here. Of course Mr Russell was making a relevant point with his famous teapot - and I imagine there are few people here who do not understand completely the point he was making - but the problem is his point instantly demolishes all debate. The religious say 'prove God isn't there', Mr Russell says 'prove my teapot isn't there'. Therefore it is just a silly tit-for-tat resulting in the instant cessation of all discussion, so in actual fact I don't think it's very smart at all. I think it's quite ridiculous - but of course, that is only my opinion.
Ludwig, that is the real crux of the matter. Nobody believes in it, and that's precisely why, as an analogy, it fails miserably.