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Guys, I'm off.

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naomi24 | 12:33 Thu 03rd Feb 2011 | Religion & Spirituality
292 Answers
If anyone wants to get in touch with me, perhaps Mibs would be kind enough to act as go-between and pass any messages on to me.

It's been nice knowing you - and thanks for everything. x


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ummmm, if I were to call aog a bigot (and I don't think I have) it would be on the basis of reading a great many of his posts before drawing conclusions about the poster. The accusation against andy was made on the basis of a single post, which is a pretty flimsy basis for any kind of character analysis - and a particularly misguided one in andy's case, since he's made thousands of clearly unbigoted posts. If she had any objection to this particular one, she should have objected to it - not to him.

The Ed is entitled to set standards of civlity on his own website. If they are tighter than they used to be - and I don't think that's actually the case - then that's his job and his rules. Those who disagree with them are free to leave, as naomi has apparently done.
I understand that jno...
I don't believe that this thread was directed AT you andy, you have merely been mentioned in terms of clarifying why Naomi is upset, and of course anything which goes on on this site is only to do with whichever poster is aggreived and the Editorial staff.
I'm just surprised that the post was removed as I think one person stating their opinion of you ( even if you don't like it) is perfectly valid and I wouldn't consider that a ' personal attack' just an opinion ( right or wrong) and I think it is an error to have removed it.
Have to say Andy I always thought you worked quite closely with the Editorial Team.Just an observation not an accusation..
If you're going to leave, why not just ... errrm ... leave?

Why all the ''look at me, look at me, I'm having a pwdi'' nonsense?
If this was the first time naomi had lost it, I would feel more sympathy...but she does do fact in the past I have amused myself by winding her up...naughty we have a new kind of flounce....the intellectual one...complete with opaque tights, low heeled shoes and hornrimmed glasses......steady sqad!
Because Naomi has always said that if she was to leave it would be courteous to let her fellow ABers know.
K shes gone

Naz what's that? The step after Soylant Green?
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Harsh words Rasman, - you should be alright though as long as you don't use the B word.
"Naz, you're a p!sstaking insensitive t w a t. "

Damn, is this mic still on?

Seriously though ... too funny.
Doc ...

KTHXBAI = ok, thanks, bye

a pwdi is the Welsh equivalent of a 'paddy'.
do they grow rwce in it, Naz?
it's wet enough here ... :-)
Yeah, it's fine to lose one of the best on this site. Such a laugh isn't it?
I "flounced" for different but similar reasons.
Nox, another valued contributor has indicated displeasure with how the site is being run.
I can't comment on the AB's editorial policy - and for the record -

I have no direct contact with the AB Editorial Team

I did not report the post, it was removed by the Ed after reading it, and that decision was not influenced in any way by me.

I made my point about being upset about being called a bigot, and as far as i am concerned, the matter is closed.

If people think i am being over-sensitive, then i accept that.

Hopefully we can all move on now?

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Guys, I'm off.

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