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Are you worried your drinks could get spiked?

How do you treat your drinks when you are on a night out? Are you worried it could get spiked?

Results ★

I am very worried about getting my drink spiked; I watch it and keep it with me at all times
I am quite careful with my drinks, but I have left it unattended before
I do not worry about my drink; I don't worry about leaving it unattended.
When I am sober I keep a close eye on my drink, but as the night goes on I do leave it unattended and it would be possible for someone to spike it.

How do you treat your drinks when you are on a night out? Are you worried it could get spiked?

Total: 696
A.I am very worried about getting my drink spiked; I watch it and keep it with me at all times31.61 %220
B.I am quite careful with my drinks, but I have left it unattended before31.18 %217
C.I do not worry about my drink; I don't worry about leaving it unattended.27.30 %190
D.When I am sober I keep a close eye on my drink, but as the night goes on I do leave it unattended and it would be possible for someone to spike it.9.91 %69
Stats until: 10:55 Thu 19th Dec 2024 (Refreshed every 5 minutes)