How does this happen? Friends OH has email address, rarely uses it and doesn't know my email address. Several times over several months in my SPAM folder I've found email from friends OH but I don't open just view from header source or something like that. It's all coded in that form ...I don't know techy name for that...but often can make out an email address in each mail from another source, like a business or organisation, usually different one in each email received.
My friends OH doesn't belong to these sites and as I say rarely uses the email, so how come I am getting these emails into my email address, albeit in SPAM but friends OH doesn't know they are coming to me? I delete of course but would like to know the in's and out's if possible please. Many thanks.
You may also find that if your friend's OH has an email address of [email protected] the emails come from [email protected] or some similar name, and the headers may then show another email address