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Italy v Slovakia

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bibblebub | 15:36 Thu 24th Jun 2010 | Football
16 Answers
Italy - a goal down and not playing well. Are they about to fail to get out of the group stage?


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Italy are crap at present and unless they improve dramatically are going out !
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As they said in the tv commentary, if the two scores remain as they are at present then Italy will finish bottom of the group, below even New Zealand. That would be so shaming.
I think Italy will win since God is on their side. In the first half they had at least 5 players suffer clearly crippling injuries as a result of minor Slovakia fouls, and every time they miraculously were healed a few moments later. With that kind of divine intervention how can they lose?
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it's another yellow card, must be 50-50 as to someone getting a red by the end of the game
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looks that way
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massed handbags
i think they are going to get it bibblebub
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Italy don't really deserve to get a result based on the first 80 minutes of the game
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no they don't lol lol
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3-2 ... surely not????????????????
but yes.....
omg......i thought it was in

great game though. spoilt a bit by the shenanigans
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blimey it looked like they had the 'get out of jail' card there

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Italy v Slovakia

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