Traditionally the easiest day of the festival to pick winners.......................apparently! Don't know where you got that 25/1 winner from yesterday, panky, but well done. Thanks in large quantities to my decent punt on Atty Persse, i am just about ahead of the bookies and, even if i draw a blank today, it won't have been such a bad week - the pain will be bearable. So, here goes;
2.30; September @ 11/10 (S F/c Nyaleti)
3.40; Dartmouth @ 2/1 (S F/c Idaho)
5.35; Thomas Hobson @ 2/1 (S F/c Oriental Fox)
Trixie/treble which would return approx £60 for my fiver.
3.05; Khairaat @ 9/2 (Rev F/c Kidmenever)
4.20; Magical Memory @ 8/ (Rev F/c The Tin Man)
5.00; Normandy Barriere @ 11/1 (Rev F/c Raucus)
Patent and e.w. treble; 3 winners = £880, 3 placed = £13.
Decent e.w. on Normandy Barriere and placepot numbers; 16-6-6-9-20-13.r
Good luck, guys and no doubt a few winners will work better than pain-killers, Togo:-)