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Andy Murray

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thenry | 17:19 Sun 08th Jul 2012 | Sport
103 Answers
Pathetic !


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it's a shame you dont have the grace and dignity of Murray
Murray got magnificent support cazz.
He has really gone up in my estimation. A terrific attempt and a very gracious speech afterwards. Well done Andy.

What a pathetic OP!!
Im glad thenry didnt go to wimbledon ladybirder ;)
How true Cazzzz. I`m not a fan by any means but can appreciate the performance of a "loser".
To dismiss AM with the word pathetic is sad and poor sportsmanship.
thenry just posts to get a reaction. I'm sure Andy or anybody else wouldn't take him seriously:-)
As I said on the Federer thread, getting to the final, they are both winners
andy would laugh at him, I wonder would he be able to return a serve let alone hit a ball?
He was brilliant and magnanimous in defeat .
Well played Andy .I've had a brilliant afternoon munching Maltesers and watching some great tennis from two great sportsmen .
He'll be back ....
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Well done you guys for supporting a loser ! Remember Bobby Charlton and Steve Redgrave ? Lets support the winners !
If he even has balls.
Right Ladybirder and I`m off! Didn`t realise thenry was stuck in a Clay obsessed time warp. :-)
i have no zporting achievments but i dont pretend to have..,i cant sing either but i know Cheryle Cole cant lol
lets see how Mr Murray gets on at Flushing Meadow
What's pathetic about playing in a final?
Supportting the winner is fine, but why is a loser pathetic. Federer was brilliant, so was Murray, but obviously Federer had the edge. Please explain thenry why, in your obvious informed and knowledgeable view, Andy Murray was pathetic? Your views would be very interesting.
it must be very stressful for the people you support to maintain their 100% win rate for fear of being regarded as a loser.
'Your views would be very interesting'

They haven't been so far, so why do you think it would be any different now :-)
Very true!!

But I sincerely think thenry would be hard pushed to actually utter any intelligent informed view, if he knows what I actually mean by that.
no one who reaches the Wimbledon final is pathetic - if you think so then try it yourself - he did really well, came out fighting but was beaten by a better, more experienced player - what's the shame in that - well done Andy and brilliantly done Roger - be interesting to know as to what level you competed thenry

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