I've just read the CNN report that some 70-75% of the Olympic athletes engage in sexual adventures in the Olympic Village during the two weeks of the games. They either end up having sex with other athletes or with the volunteers who clamour after the stars.
Linford Christie says that the US female football goalkeeper (Hope Solo) is only being truthful when she says the majority of the athletes are engaging in sex "on the grass, behind buiildings" etc. Apparently 150,000 condoms have been made available in the Olympic Village this year as this is a result of the experiences at Sydney and Atlanta. Much of it is due to athletes being on strict diets and abstaining from sex before the games and making up for it afterwards. Many athletes and volunteers will do anything to go with those who've won medals. Often coaches and fellow athletes guard rooms in which they know their colleagues or charges are 'busy'.
I must say it's disappointed me. I like to think the athletes are clean-living and honourable. Instead the CNN report seems to make out that the Olympic Village is a real old knocking shop. I'm sure this didn't happen at other Olympics Games in the past. It's probably yet another example of the degenerate society we live in.
Are other people as disappointed as me or don't people care?
In answer to your question Andy I really don't care! Are they harming anybody? No. Are they raping, murdering or terrorising anyone? No. They are doing what comes naturally and having some fun (and using condoms I am sure.) Likewise our future politicians, doctors, inventors, architects of tomorrow will soon join University halls of residence and get up to exactly the same thing with no harm done.
They have all been up to it for years!!!
Apparently the male athletes want to celebrate their success by wearing gold condoms, but the women want them to wear silver. Something to do with coming second, I believe
but surely we've all had sex on the grass/beach in the pool/sea when we've been on holiday? what's the point spending money to go on holiday and having to still just stick to the bedroom?