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Athletics In The Olympic Stadium

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emmie | 18:56 Fri 26th Jul 2013 | Sport
19 Answers
such a fabulous arena, it's on BBC 2 if anyone interested. Seems the perfect venue for athletics. Don't know if that is on the agenda when West Ham take it over.


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Hope it is, would be a shame not to use it for sports other than football
18:57 Fri 26th Jul 2013
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and for those who didn't go, it's a fantastic place.
Hope it is, would be a shame not to use it for sports other than football
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i hope they do, it belongs there...
We're going tomorrow!!!!!!!

Unfortunately, before West Ham get their hands on it and rip it apart.
Travesty rather than shame.
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good for you.
I'm sure George Osborne MP won't be showing his face tonight after his booing embarrassment during the Olympics. Silly man.
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that has nothing whatsoever to do with this, and now they are showing some of the footage from last year, inspirational
///that has nothing whatsoever to do with this///

Very true emmie. But it made great television.
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not really, i have no love for politicians but that was bad manners, to boo.
60,000 people cannot be wrong.
Dear BBC, I'd like to see some athletics now please. Fed up with clips, music and previews. There's plenty going on down on the track, can we see a bit more of it please?
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not everyone booed i am sure, plenty of people didn't care for it.
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maydup, moved to BBC1
......had a fantastic day Em.
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i was in the vicinity, hot day, and would have been wonderful to have been there. Sure you would have a great time, i know i did before.
It'll still be used for athletics in the future. Tottenham at one time wanted it just for football and to shove the athletics to South London but that idea was rightly kicked into touch
In fact I think the World Championships are to be held there in a few years
Yes World Championships in 2017. Meanwhile West Ham United will use the stadium for football.

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Athletics In The Olympic Stadium

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