Cricket Information
Hi! I got the following text from . I got a dataset from there to conduct my undergraduate thesis work. Would you please help me to explain different parameters? Here I got some explanations for your better understanding.
"1.1.1" : " Dwayne Smith, Chris Gayle, Mohammad irfan, 79.811,4.50,0.03,y,-0.20,0.66,M,A,3.32,-142.94,M,,,4,,,,,,,QI/tKT0FSKo/Kf8RvoGEZ0BTJanA4viPwgOKeL9FlaLA7tAnwe/Elr/CQqFAoMHwvnCILAAAAADBKZmaPKxjiQDBA7r1ADEB" ?
1.1.1: First innings, first over, first ball
Dwayne Smith: Opening striking batsman
Chris Gayle: Non-striking end batsman
Mohammad Irfan: bowler
I can't understand the other parameters so can anyone help me please.........