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So Ashley Cole SHOT Someone

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joggerjayne | 09:40 Tue 01st Mar 2011 | Sport
46 Answers
But it was "ONLY" an air rifle ... so that's okay !!

And it was "BY ACCIDENT" (????) ... so that's okay too !!

What a ghastly, oiky little thug.


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Shame he missed the heart or a good blood vessel....

then we could have seen him sent down.

Cheryl then can pick me up......I'll look after her.
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She's not into chipolata's, vibes.........bratwurst's..... and thats my department, matey. :0)
Nous allons voir, mon frere....
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Sounds good to me, trigg :0)

( you can romance her Friday and Saturdays as i'm out and about )
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Hung like a horse, mate..........except when it's icy out :0)
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Ashley Cole gives the new Intern a lift home from training ...
I'm just surprised he didn't miss..............
in fairness he may have been just playing with the gun, not aiming it at anyone and accidently hit the trigger.
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"playing with the gun" is probably an integral part of Chelsea's training routine.
We have an air rifle to shoot rats. Very necessary where we live. Yes accidents can happen. However, they are not things to be played around with. I daren't touch ours!!
Lol jj, agree with what pinki said,he does come across as a bit 'simple'. One rule for footballers another for joe public.
he did miss Craft, he was aiming for the floodlights.
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Know nothing about footie or Ashley Cole but as I understand it some guy got shot in the leg but didn't need hospital treatment. Accidents happen.
Footballers are like our goverment they can do anything they want and get away with it.
aah come on, he was watching Zulu and the work experience kid was called Will... he was only obeying orders!
McM - he did need treatment , but was treated by club medical staff in the hope that they could keep it quiet.

jj - oiky little thug - brilliant!

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