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hot laptop

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bagpuss63 | 09:16 Fri 03rd Jun 2011 | Computers
2 Answers
In march I took my laptop back to shop as it was so hot and they just put the fan on high-its now not working-and very hot on lap after 40 mins, hopefully I've knocked it off (as opposed to broken) can someonr tell me how to put it back on please. Its HP windows 7, I think he pressed one or two of F buttons-I don't want to go to shop again


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Hi bagpuss, do any of your F buttons have fan icons on them ....for example on my machine it is F 11. I have problems with my machine if it is on my lap too long, the air can not circulate therefore the blooming thing heats up too quickly. Sit with one edge ( the one where the fan is situated ) slightly off your lap. I found this helps. Good Luck
"and very hot on lap after 40 mins,"
Almost certainly, there's your problem.
Although they are known as laptops, they are not designed to be operated on your lap (or any other surface that's likely to block the airflow).
Put the thing on a desk or tray.

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