Can't access outlook express in The AnswerBank: Computers
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Can't access outlook express

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Khandro | 07:10 Thu 28th Jul 2011 | Computers
4 Answers
Suddenly I can't get into outlook; I get a panel asking for me to logon with my address and password a (as dots), 'Remember password' is checked but it won't logon, 'Error' appears. Previously logon was automatic when I clicked on outlook icon. Help please!
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Your title says Outlook Express, but your post says Outlook. They are two different programs, so which is it - Outlook or Outlook Express?
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outlook express - sorry, i was just abrieviating.
The generally accepted abbreviation for Outlook Express is OE.
This could be a problem with your ISP (or mail provider), or it could be that OE has got its knickers in a twist.
Click Tools/Accounts
Go to the Mail tab, highlight your mail account and click Properties.
On the Servers tab, check that settings specified by your provider (if you're not sure, check their web site).
Difficult to be more specific as you have said who provides your e-mail.
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Thanks rojash, I have traced the problem to my provider - a mix-up over a new contract and I shall have to wait "a few days" for it to be re-established. Why the Germans make everything so complicated I can never figure out.

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Can't access outlook express

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