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USB lead to connect external HD

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Puzzled001 | 08:01 Sat 12th May 2012 | Computers
18 Answers
Morning all,I have ordered a Hard Drive Transfer Case (a caddie) to use my old PC drive as an external,( to store a footprint of my new PC, as recommended by Seagate) Can someone please tell me of a site from which I can order a drive/usb cable to be able to connect the drive to my PC. I have tried 'googling' but keep getting confused ! (it's an age thing!!!) Any guidance much appreciated


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Well, which caddie have you ordered...? :-)
Does the site you ordered the caddy from not have any information about cables?
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Hi,MarkRae thanks for answering, I have ordered SATA SKU A029000ABG from DinoDirect to hold my Maxtor 4D040H2 drive.
HowardKennitby, DinoDirect do cables but their customer email query line is not to easy to contact about general enquiries
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Excuse me for being a bit slow, having looked further into this am I now right in assuming that the HDD connections plug into the caddie and then I just need normal USB cable to connect it to PC
That item is not an external hard drive case, it's an adapter to fit a 2.5inch hard drive into a 3.5inch space.
BTW, what on earth would make somebody order anything from a site which has such wonderful examples of English on it, such as...

"Are you looking for a durable and usable HDD Enclosure ? If you do, you have got the right place! "

They also have no contact info on their site but judging by the language used on the site, they are probably based somewhere like China.

Why not buy a external caddy from a reputable seller in the UK that can actually describe the products correctly.
As Chuck says, it looks very much like you have bought one of these: http://www.dinodirect...external.html?cur=GBP

If so, then it isn't what you think it is. There's no USB cable with it because it fits inside your PC.

What you need is something like this: User Recommendation

If Puzzled has ordered the transfer case, and assuming a spare slot in PC, will another cable be needed?
Yes, a SATA cable.
Question Author
Thanks all, I have managed to cancel the order, I'll have a look on Amazon as suggested

The device that it sounds like they've ordered is to adapt a 2.5inch (laptop) to a 3.5inch (desktop) drive size. By the sounds of it they have a 3.5inch drive so it won't fit in the caddy they have ordered and if they wanted to fit the drive internally no adaptor would be needed at all.
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MarkRae have ordered the item from Amazon that you suggested, thank you for your help and thank you CF and HK
I'm now curious as to what you're intending to do, and especially what Seagate mean by "store a footprint of your new PC". I'm assuming that they mean that you will use Seagate backup software to create an image of the new machine's hard disk once you have everything installed and configured the way you want it so that you can revert to this should anything ever go wrong.
And if you are intending to create an image of the drive using the seagate tools you may find you have a problem restoring the image in the event of a problem in the future due to the fact the seagate drive tools will only work if there is a seagate drive in the system.

You'd be far better off using generic software rather than hardware dependent software.
Absolutely! I've used Acronis for years without a single problem:
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Hi,all, I bought a1TB Seagate Memeo External as a back up, unfortunately I didn't configure it properly on set up, I set it up to back up ALL instead of just My Documents/My Pictures., so it has been trying to back up ALL including the program info on the C drive. Seagate have told me how to re-format the memeo drive and have suggested that I take a 'footprint' of my PC, before I go ahead with the reformatting. I will of course be getting my Friend from my ISP to do this for me. I will use the drive from my old PC to do this so needed a caddie but misinterpreted what I needed to buy. Should have let him do it all from the start,but as he was away I thought I could do it myself ,Wrong!!!!!!
> Seagate have told me how to reformat the memeo drive and have suggested that I take a 'footprint' of my PC, before I go ahead with the reformatting.

That makes no sense at all. Reformatting the external drive will have no bearing on your PC's internal drive(s)...
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Yes,I can see that,I'll come back when I've had a chance to discuss it more this end, thanks again

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USB lead to connect external HD

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