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Upload Photo's ?

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djtdjt | 09:42 Wed 05th Sep 2012 | Computers
2 Answers
Sorry have asked this before! Have uploaded pictures to file called My Pictures, why can I not upload them anywhere else? example to sell something and add picture, just says file not recognized? Other people seem to do it okay by having thumbnails/select picture? what am I doing wrong? should I save pictures in a different way? TIA.


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I had this problem once don't remember now what it was. Sorry of no help but sure some techies on here will help you.
Nothing matter wherever pictures are being stored because they can be accessed from any location very easily so don't worry about the location of the pictures. You have found the error like "file not recognized" so it is possible that some site will not take some image format, in which your image have already saved.

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