I booted up my laptop this afternoon (having used it fine last night) and it said there's be a serious error and I needed to restore the system. I followed the instructions and restored it successfully. Nothing's missing and all appears to be fine again now.
What might have happened and should I do anything about it now?
Sometimes the registry gets corrupted; sometimes system files get corrupted. Everytime you download 3rd party software there's a chance it could corrupt your files. Windows although being a very impressive system is never totally free of bugs thats why you continually get updates to fix them.
I clicked the Windows restore request method wildwood. No problems since, but I would feel happier if I could run a diagnostic or something that checks and fixes just to make sure all is well.
I have a very good bug cover on my computer ( Panda Global Protection 2012) but I still use Superantispyware Freeware every 7 days to clear any bugs that have slipped under the net ( 107 last Saturday). Here's the link for you to download ( make sure you click on the free option)
Thanks WRon but I'm all Nortoned up and all bugs suitably squashed. Just wondering about the operating system and the need for the complete restore..........?