I'm looking for a new laptop as mine is falling apart and I really don't understand all the 1.6ghz or 8gb ram etc etc & there seem to be lots of new makes out there that I don't recognize, I know I want a 15.5 touchscreen & I download quite a lot of films & music so something with a good sound & picture quality, I have around £450 to spend - can anyone recommend anything - or am I being unrealistic with the price?
Well within budget. If you have the opportunity then try to find a small-time IT specialist in the area and ask him his opinion. Certainly you should shop around a bit rather than leap on this one.
How do you know that you need a 15.5" touch-screen. Have you had experience of using one. Dare I say that a lot of 'touchy techies' avoid them.
Personally, I would be looking for at least a 17" screen if it is going to be used for viewing films and I would be avoiding Windows 8 as the Operating System.