Hi, my computer starts up but none of the icons appear or the background picture, I have contacted my internet provider they say there is no problem on their end, can anybody help please. thanks
2. Have you got the taskbar across the foot of your screen?
3. Have you got the Start button (assuming that you're not using Windows 8, which doesn't have one) at the bottom left of your screen? Does it work normally? (i.e. can you access your programs from it?).
4. Have you got the Windows disc (or a manufacturer's recovery disk) that came with your computer?
If everything works normally then you've probably got some 'ease of access' settings enabled and you'll simply need to turn them off. If you've got no working Start button then you might need to try getting into Windows via Safe Mode (and then running System Restore) or running a Windows Repair option from a disc.
Until we can work out which of those applies it's hard for us to give you the instructions you need.
I am on windows xp , the screen is completly blank, no start menu, no taskbar, bought computer second hand from a store, no windows disc, desktop, ethernet cable not wi-fi. thanks
Hi, I have managed to fix it, I computer virus apparently, when I went to the library to use there's I notice said that their computers were recovering from a major virus, thanks