Internet file missing 16/2/06 in The AnswerBank: Technology
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Internet file missing 16/2/06

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doddsredoubt | 22:22 Thu 16th Feb 2006 | Technology
7 Answers
I had an email the other day from Paypal on ebay when I opened the email up popped McAphee antivius telling me I had a trojan virus,it stated that HTM was infected by the JS/Stealus Trojan and has been deleted to complete the clean process.My question is that a temporary internet file\content.IE5\SHMNGXAR\e(1)HTM,do I need this file to work on my computer or does anyone know how I can get this file back as it was originallyon my computer for a purpose.I have inquired about this file to Dell computers but they can't help me.I hope some budding computer expert on answerbank can help me please. Thankyou in advance.
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if your computer is still working then I guess it was not critical.

all it says that it was content and also based on Internet Explorer, so likely it was elements of the virus (which was HTM based as you said) that has been removed

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Thanks readheap I am still a novice on computers even though I have been compting since 2001,Thanks again for that information it has put my mind at ease.
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Sorry I typed your internet name wrong redheap.
The file you refer to was a web page (or HTML email) that was infected with the trojan. McAfee deleted it to stop the trojan further infecting your computer. The file isn't needed and was safe to delete. Files in ..\temporary internet file\content.IE5\ are cached web pages and are always safe to delete.

If it was an HTML email message that looked like it came from Ebay or PayPal, the address might have been 'spoofed'.

You can find out more about JS/Stealus Trojan on the McAfee website at

And about how addresses are .spoofed' at
http://www.lse.ac.uk/itservices/help/spamming&spoofi ng.htm

Hope that helps ;-)
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Thankyou for that cybasurfa its handy when you know about computers cheers.
It's handy when there's a great site like this to come to for help, eh ;-)
your site is very good as well as its contents. Thanks you for sharing.

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