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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
2161 Answers
when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
Morning all
A dull and dreary one .Musn't grumble about the weather really ,at least we're not being hit by typhoons and devastation like other parts of the world .
Hope you're all well .
Nothing going on here .Same old .I may venture into town later for a bit of shopping ,I need some containers for the freezer exciting
Actually wore my boots out today and jeans, a chiffonish top and waterfall cardi, lovely almost winter. Sweating now though.

Cooking meat and pot pie and sauteed cabbage for dinner.
Morning all...dull, dreary and very wet. I think you've got the idea. Once again my garden won't get done (last week's excuse was he'd lost track...yes, maybe, but not lost your mobile mr gardener, tut)

The voices in my head have made me do some cleaning but I've got rid of them now so I might make the boots to go with this later...cute eh?
Did you knit that Robi, that is brilliant and so cute for a little boy.
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you might well find his mobile in the long grass, Robinia, possibly being savaged by hyenas.
Jno I'm going to go to his house, take his favourite dustpan (yes, he has one) and hold it to ransom until the job's done.

Yes neti, I knat it...the first one was plain blue denim with the same ivory peak.
YAY TV CABINET SOLD, I love all this, but Mr N was here so pocketed the money!!
Oh pie looks delicious as I actually brushed it with egg instead of milk, very Paul Hollywood and I also made jam tarts with the left over pastry!
Oh what a dear little hat ,it's lovely .Is that the Crofter wool Robinia ?
I tottered to town in the piddling rain ,couldn't find any containers for my soup so I bought a couple of tops in Marks instead as I had some vouchers ,went in the craft shop and tottered home again .I wish people would use a hanky if they are going to cough or sneeze on the bus ....
That's very domestic goddess Neti ,it's ding dinners for us tonight as cba to don my pinny .
I am not allowed to serve ding dinners, plus we cannot buy them here.
fannybiza cradock's been busy I see.

No shaney, it's Stylecraft wondersoft dk, caramel. It was half price when I bought the denim yarn so I added it in & pleased I did. The fuzzy yarn is sirdar snuggly.

The days are very short aren't they :(
Robi did you knit the white fluffy visor_ it is amazing and I am jealous as I fear I could never knit as well as that!

Yes am loving being a domestic goddess atm, love the new style lounge and bedroom, and house is all tidy so am enjoying it. Won't last!!

Have to say the pie was delicious, Mr N likes it hot, but I like to cool but not fridge cold, the taste is so much better, am stuffed!
The fluffy bit is down to the yarn neti, not any special skill but it is fiddly to work with. If you drop a stitch you haven't got a hope of fixing it.
That's a great hat Robi. Neti, when are you doing the TV series?
Shughy is definitely unbalanced. He has decided poor soul that every night we are going to have fireworks so he gets himself worked up in advance. Tonight when he started to try and hide, i put both dogs in the car and we went and bought chips and took them down to the sea to eat. Result!! he had a half hearted tizzy when we got home, then went to sleep. I is a dog psychologist.
What did you get in M and S Shaney? I took a sweater back today, way undersized. They've got a recall on their diaries...they've all got the wrong date for Father's day in ha ha.
Lol..I knitted a scarf in that fuzzy yarn a while ago now and if you drop one you've had it ! That eyelash yarn is same .
Well the ding was very nice ,prawn linguine . I did do some garlic bread with it ...mind you that came courtesy of Mr Morrison :)
Sleep toight lovelies .
Tonights earworm ..Hehee. I love the Ikea ad especially the big teddy .
Oh nothing special Woofy ..I was amazed that they even had my size on the shelf .Just one of those fleece zip ups in purple and a long sleeved T shirt in a sort of mulberry colour .
Well done at fooling the woofers :)
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well, that's odd, I could have sworn I posted this Latin lesson... oh well, let's see if it goes through this time
I thnk that Ikea ad is one of the best ones on TV atm. We have been OUT!!!! we got to bed at a sensible time and the weather wasn't filthy so we went out for a proper run around. Dogs are now asleep again and I will be soon.
Oh what a happy bunch we sound like.

Good morning.

Oh prawn linguine, delicious; I'd love that but Mr N is not a prawn lover!!

Jno that does sound as though that is what they are singing, I always mishear lyrics.

Can't remember my dreams from last night but I know I had some!
Morning all
And it's a lovely sunny one at the moment . Hope you're all Ok today .
Lol..Jno ,that's really funny .

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