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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
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when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
i was struggling with your youtube post jno, till i remembered to turn the ipad sound up..... d'oh
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lol, that would look rather peculiar without the musical accompaniment, wouldn't it?

Woofgang, I cheked out possible savings with Amazon Prime and decided they wouldn't be worth it for me, living around town with free travel. OH could borrow a book a month for the Kindle; but looking at the purchases I've made from Amazon, a lot are from their marketplace sellers, which aren't covered, or DVDs, which have free postage and come through the letter box, so it doesn't matter if we're in. Shame, as I'm always up for a bargain.
Good ....errrr...afternoon. Lovely weather today, bright and breezy and mild for time o' year. Not mild enough to warrant wearing a string strap top though....tut.

I just love the Ikea ad, that and their 'Kitchen at Parties' ad are two of my all time favourites. So much better than these epic cheesy Christmas ads that they're bombarding us with at the moment, I turn the sound off.
That video's hilarious jno...I hope they can view it down under 'cos I'm going to send a lik in a minute, they'll love it.

Have you seen this shaney? Darren the bear, haha

Now if you'll excuse me I need to scream into a mothers to breastfeed?! Good luck with policing that one.
Totally brilliant Robi!
this is just lovely...just as long as it's not planning a party in my kitchen :)

clever boy. When we had rats who were really casual about people (sadly had to deal with it) I watched one one day lean over the fishpond and make scooping movements in the water to bring the floating fish food pellets close enough to grab.
The bear farted omg!!!

I think it is a bit insensitive to post the mouse one with poor jude suffering with a Roland and myself having had one in the pool.
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oh that poor bear, couldn't even got on the bus to Paddington nudge nudge. I'd love to know how the ad was really made - it seems to be all in a single take, but if they've slipped computer effects in there somewhere, I can't see them.
I don't think they CGI'd it jno, but I bet its down to loads of clever editing.
Well if Ibiza rats were as smart as that mouse it would have been out of the pool a lot sooner.
Insensitive:Repeatedly mentioning one's sunshine and warmth whilst one's friends are freezing their bits off.

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the only opportunity I could see for cutting in the video was when it crossed behind a pillar, but that didn't happen often. For the rest it all looked as if it was done in a single session, which can't be true. Maybe magic was involved.
My rat could jump that high but my pool is slightly deeper than that!

Am chilly now, have leggings on (black not leopardskin) sweatshirt and mocassin bootees. Even put the lightweight duvet on today so will see how it is tonight.
Am stuffed, I had pie and cabbage again with chips (homemade, the best!) and Mr N had to finish of the unbearbly spicy and too hot to eat chili he made a whole ago and we froze it, I licked a bit and it blew my head off, shame cos I fancied a chili!!

Am tucked up in my bed, having had to shower in the mornings cos our heater needs de scaling so not much hot water at a time.
Evening each...2 busy days for me, Leicester yesterday on The Sky Bus with my 2 sisters and a cousin to meet our other cousin who lives in Market Harborough had a good time, eating, drinking and talking. Then today it was Tai chi and another lunch out.

Now then what's all this about Rats and Mice. Yes, definitely insensitive, I'm up to here ^ with it all. Have heard Roland for the last 3 nights having some kind of party up there ^. I have rang the Pest man but he obviously didn't get my message or chose to ignore it. He is due here again on Thursday and I can't wait and if he dares to rush in and out again like he did last Thursday I can promise he wont be able to cos I'm locking the door until I have answers!! That's me done about that.

Loved the Vids Robi even though one was about a mouse!!.

I'm getting on with my ipad, still learning of course but loving it and yes Woofy it is a 'bit' addictive if anything can be that.
I hope you are all ok and you have a good night. I'm going to watch The Escape Artist. It's the final part tonight.

It's pot washing time so oight oight everyone. See yer later!!
Wow was that jude that rushed past or a hurricane??
dunno, all i saw was a whirl of dust bunny.
Huzzah and hoorah we have had no panic at all tonight. Both dogs wanted to sleep next to me though so I am settled in the middle of the settee with a dog each side. I know i say this often but a bit of normal is lovely.
Sis arrives tomorrow evening so I have been doing some catch up today and will do some more tomorrow. It will be lovely to see her.
oight oight all
Just cruising by to say goodnight .I love Darren the bear and the mouse should get a gold star for stamina wonder if he came back later to see if he could snaffle a bit of chs to go with his cracker .
Hope you've all had a good day .I've been busy with my cauldron ,cooking soup for the freezer.Mr S found some soup bags in Wilkos this morning .Then I had a couple of letters to write and I made a card for a birthday ,sorted out laundry ,cooked a dinner.....crikey ,I was almost in Neti mode at one stage :)
I expect you're looking forward to seeing you sister Woofy .Enjoy your time together.
It's turned quite parky here tonight so I'm off to bed with a hottie and a herbal .Have a peaceful one ,sleep toight biddies and woofers .
Good morning.

Shaney did you make that card? It is beautiful, how on earth? That is not a neti thing! I am artistic but the urge has gone!

Overcast here, and we are expecting a big drop in the temps at the weekend, then I'll be moaning about the damp and no firewood etc!!

Hope you all passed a good night,
Morning all...bright and chilly here.

Is it craft week in here? That's lovely shaney. I think I've only got one birthday card to send before xmas now.....Sopu bags sound like a good idea (haha, soup but I like sopu). I keep saying I'm going to go all domestic and make and freeze some stews/bolgnese/etc.

oh, bing bong, the washer's finished, not sure if it's going to dry the washing, I might have to drape it over the front fence where it's sunny. :)

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