You are NOT downloading from Mininova, the Mininova site (like all torrent sites) does not store ANY files to download.
What you are downloading from is other people's computers. You are downloading it from people who have already downloaded from OTHER people's computers (it is a bit like a chain letter).
You download it a piece at a time, one piece from one persons computer, another piece from anothers persons computer, and so on, and it is all re-assembled on your computer.
The speed you download is NOT dependant on your download speed but the UPLOAD speed of all these other computers.
Obviously the more people who have it on their computer the faster you are likely to get the file, so you need to look for seeders and leechers.
Seeders are people who have download ALL the file, leechers are people who are currently downloading it but have not got it all yet.
Both seeders and leechers can upload the file to you, so the more seeders and leechers a file has the quicker you will get it.