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Anti Virus

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nomadandy | 14:10 Fri 14th Mar 2008 | Computers
11 Answers
can somebody recomend a good free antivirus, i am usinf AVG but it seems to be slowing evarything down ps using xp


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Hi . . I find AVG Anti-Virus and Anti-Spyyware Free Editions great. Your 'slowing down' is probably due to another issue.
.definitely...........sir.p.................have you got Nortons in there as well nomad?
Make sure you are not using AVG AND one or more other anti virus programs.

Running more than one anti-virus program can slow you PC down as each program has to check each file for viruses before you can use it.
free ... and getting far better reviews from the security guys
To ACtheTROLL, pardon me AC but where does it say FREE. I can see it @ �26.95.
Thanks for this, Troll! I'll also give it a try.

Shylock, here's the free download link - avira_antivir_personal__free_antivirus.html

Thanks very much guys, I`m downloading now.
Please let me know how you manage, I am having problems installing it.
Hi figure, I installed ok, but there is nothing on the PC screen to tell me it`s installed. So I`m now wondering if it did after your comment.
Dunno what I'm doing in this category coz I know nowt bout it, but I do know switching off then on again seems to be the answer to most things! x

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