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Gone grainy :o(

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curvybird | 12:40 Sat 20th Mar 2010 | Computers
5 Answers
The pictures on my laptop have gone all grainy and blurred,it says I can improve the quality by pressing shift and r, but this is a new thing. Last week I cleaned it, have I caught a button,and if so, how do I put it right ? Thankyou for any help


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Are the photos uploaded to a website or actually on your PC?
OK I lied on your other question :)

Is it just the photos or everything on the computer?

If just the photos what are you viewing them with?
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Thankyou both. It's just the pics that people have downloaded ( or is it up? ) on for example Facebook. They used to be really clear. Now,even the little thumbnail type ones are bad,even before you big them up. Then they are atrocious.
GSOH btw CF :o)
It's probably your ISP lowering the quality to save bandwidth - especially likely if you're on a mobile dongle or have a low monthly limit.
I reckon you've done one of two things.

Either zoomed your web browser in so all web pages are showing large (if it's this your normal desktop wallpaper will look normal as will all the icons on the desktop) to fix this hold down the CTRL button and roll your mouse wheel back or forwards (or use + and - on the keyboard)


You have decreased the display size for everything on the computer, if you've done this then your desktop and all icons will look a lot larger. to fix this close all open windows, right click anywhere on a blank part of the background and select properties, then click on the settings tab and move the screen resolution slider to the right and click apply.

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Gone grainy :o(

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