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windows messenger

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rosyposy | 17:19 Fri 01st Oct 2010 | Computers
6 Answers
I seem to have both windows messenger and 'live' on my pc, I never use either, how can I either uninstall, if that is possible or at least get rid of the icon which signs me in every time I switch on. I have XPhome and firefox.TIA rosy


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there is an obscure icon on the top right of the messenger window that has an menu/tools option. From there find something like settings or options. From there Choose the signing in tab and untick 'automatically' or whatever.

In outlook Express [if you are using that as mail client] also aim for the tools tab and untick the 'automatically log on to Windows messenger' option under the General tab.
YOu can actually turn the Messenger off but forgotten how.
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Thank you wildwood, will do that, rosy
You use a Registry hack to stop it loading altogether. It always slows down OE.
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Thank you Albags useful to know too. rosy
You can easily (effectively) uninstall Windows Messenger.
Just go to Add/Remove programs
Click Add/Remove Windows components (on the left hand side)
Uncheck Windows Messenger
Question Author
Thank you Rojash, that sounds easier for me, rosy

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