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fao Chuck or someone who is a techy

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Bobbisox | 13:47 Thu 05th May 2011 | Internet
7 Answers
What would be the reason my computer would just close down on me while I am on Skype?
I have always used this to speak to my friend in Dubai but the last twice, yesterday and today, my laptop just cut out completely and I had to leave it for a few minutest before it would start again



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That big Post 'Remember When' has overheated your system Bobbi !! lol
Sounds like over heating

Are you using it on your lap, or something else soft, if so you shouldn't, it should be used on something hard and flat so air can circulate under it. if you are using it on a table or desk then the fan might be getting blocked with fluff and needs a clean out.
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I can't believe it is still going Red, people have so many memories they want to share
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No Chuck, I have a tilted shelf underneath which has a fan going all of the time
this has to be the worst laptop I have ever bought.mind you
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the 'shelf' as I call it, is something I bought from Amazon for the sole purpose of it not being able to over heat
What's the make and model of the laptop?
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it is a PB Easynote L171, Windows 7

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fao Chuck or someone who is a techy

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