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O2 mobile broadband dongle question

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mcaffep | 10:58 Wed 28th Sep 2011 | Technology
4 Answers
I wonder if anyone can help with this question. When I access the internet via my O2 broadband dongle the light is blue, a prompt says 'welcome to the 3g network' and video clips run fine. After a while the dongle turns green, a prompt says ' welcome to the GPRS network' and video clips dont really run at all. Is there any way to stop this happening ?

Thanking you for your time & any answers kindly given
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Move the dongle to an area that has better reception on the 3G network.
Question Author
Thank you for your answer. How exactly can i move the dongle (move it to anoter usb port or use a connection lead) ?

If it's a desktop than simply moving it from the back of the computer to the front may help, otherwise getting a USB extension lead and trying to get the dongle in a better position might help, or it's possible that you are just not going to be able to get a decent signal where you are and nothing you do will help.
Try moving it to nearer a window. My dad used to have his on three or four 1m USB extension cables plugged into each other, and actually sellotaped the dongle to the window, which improved things dramatically.

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